Have Your Say Today - Churchill Road and Western Avenue proposed road safety scheme - Walsall Engagement Hub


Churchill Road and Western Avenue proposed road safety scheme


Churchill Road and Western Avenue road safety scheme

Churchill Road and Western Avenue, Bentley have recently been assessed and designated as a poor performing route for road casualties. There have been 5 slight injury collisions in a 3 year period. The proposed road safety scheme has been designed to reduce these casualties and includes installing 2 sets of speed cushions along Churchill Road between Monmouth Road and Western Avenue and 3 sets of speed cushions on Western Avenue between Churchill Road and Lindon Close.

Please review the detailed plans and complete the short survey at the bottom of this page. 

Extract from the detailed plan for this road safety scheme. Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of His Majesty's Stationary Office. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Crown Copyright and database rights 2022 Ordnance Survey 100019529.

Please review the detailed plans below

ET-PCHS-01-CON1 Churchill Road Western Ave.pdf
ET-PCHS-01-CON1 Churchill Road Western Ave.pdf

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