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Our Council Plan 2025-2029

Discover Walsall Engagement Hub, Our Council Plan 2025-2029. Have your say today and share your views on the future of your community. Powered by Commonplace, the leading community engagement platform.


Striving For Excellence: Our Council Plan 2025-2029

Read on to find out more and have your say.

Our Council Plan 2025-2029 echoes the voices and priorities of the people of Walsall.  Together with our partners, we have listened carefully to over 10,000 of our community groups, businesses and people who live, work, study and invest in the borough. They told us the type of place they want Walsall to be in the future: that in 2040 Walsall will be the most improved borough in the region, a vibrant place where people are proud to live and residents in all neighbourhoods have the same life chances.  That vision – We Are Walsall 2040 – now needs to be realised. 

Walsall’s Draft Council Plan for 2025-2029 will set out our vision and priorities for the next four years, where our resources will be prioritised and how we will deliver against the We Are Walsall 2040 vision.  It details the principles that we will adopt in all we do to deliver successful outcomes for all in the borough. 

Before Our Council Plan 2025-2029 is approved we want to hear your views on:

  • Our draft ambitions
  • Our draft principles

All feedback will be read, considered and used to inform the final Council Plan.

If you are interested in understanding the data and information that has shaped this and other strategies and programmes across the Council you can visit Walsall Insight - Trends & data covering the Walsall Borough (walsallintelligence.org.uk)

If you need this information in an alternative format or need support to respond please email policyandstrategy@walsall.gov.uk 

Read our draft Council Plan 2025-2029

Document image preview
Walsall Council Plan 25-29 Draft for Consultation.pdf


Have your say on the draft Council Plan 2025-2029

To ensure that the Council’s priorities are aligned to what the community told us is important for the future, we have adopted the We Are Walsall 2040 ambitions as the overarching framework for our council priorities: 

  • Thriving & Happy
  • Healthy & Well
  • Prosperous & Innovative
  • Proud of our Borough.  

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Thriving and Happy: A borough where everyone feels safe, in communities where people are supported to help themselves and one another, and children have the best start in life. 

  • A child friendly borough
  • Safer streets, safer people
  • Resilient and empowered communities

Thriving and Happy

Document image preview
Thriving and Happy.pdf

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Strongly agree

Healthy and Well: A wellbeing-centred borough where people are healthy and live full and active lives, with the support they need to achieve a good quality of life, living in safe and suitable homes. 

  • Living active and healthy lives 
  • Supported and cared for  
  • Homes for all  

Healthy and Well

Document image preview
Healthy and Well.pdf

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Prosperous and Innovative: An economy that works for everyone, with skilled residents able to take up the opportunities created by local businesses, in a place that it is easy to get around, where people are confident to access services digitally.

  • Supporting business and inclusive growth   
  • Skills and jobs for all   
  • Accessible services connected places 

Prosperous and Innovative

Document image preview
Prosperous and Innovative.pdf

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Strongly agree

Proud of our Borough: Vibrant, clean towns with quality green spaces, where everyone takes responsibility to respect the environment and be climate ready, with communities that come together to celebrate our diverse heritage and culture.

  • A clean and green future    
  • Celebrating our culture and heritage 
  • Vibrant towns 

Proud of our Borough

Document image preview
Proud of our Borough.pdf

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Strongly agree

Continuously Improving: Striving for excellence by providing efficient and effective services, supported by a skilled and engaged workforce to provide a high-quality experience for all those engaging with the council.

  • A quality experience for all     
  • A skilled and engaged workforce
  • Efficient and effective services 

Continuously Improving

Document image preview
Continuously Improving.pdf

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Strongly agree

Our Principles

Underpinning our ambitions are five cross-cutting principles that will apply to everything we do as an organisation and will enable us to deliver all our priorities more effectively. 

Our Principles:  

  1. Focusing on Prevention  
  2. Ensuring Equity  
  3. Working in Partnership  
  4. Being Insight-led  
  5. Acting Sustainably 

Principle 1. Focusing on Prevention  

We will take a preventative rather than reactive approach across our services, to improve outcomes for residents and yield financial benefits that can be reinvested. 

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Principle 2. Ensuring Equity  

We will promote equalities within our workforce, tackle inequity across all our services and foster good relationships across our diverse communities across the borough. 

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Principle 3. Working in Partnership  

We will work with our local and regional partners to align how we work to maximise benefits, and engage our residents, communities, businesses and service users in the co-design of services that work for them will lead to better outcomes. 

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Principle 4. Being Insight-led  

We will use the data and intelligence that we hold to make evidence-based decisions, drive efficiencies and maximise the benefits for the people of the borough. 

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Principle 5. Acting Sustainably 

We will weigh the short term benefits of our decisions against longer term consequences, so that we are environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. 

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