Have Your Say Today - Walsall Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Strategy - Walsall Engagement Hub


Walsall Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Strategy


Thank you for having your say on our draft Walsall Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Strategy and the future of electric vehicle charging in the borough

Walsall Council will play a key role in supporting a smooth transition to driving and charging electric vehicles (EVs) in our borough. The transition to EV is integral to our aim to be a leading net zero carbon emitting economy by 2040-41.

Our draft Walsall Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Strategy sets out the Council's target to support the delivery of over 660 chargepoints across the borough by 2030. 

As it stands, there are a limited number of chargepoints available to the public in the borough. You can find out more about Walsall Council's EV chargepoint programme here.

We want your feedback on the draft strategy and to understand your views on the future installation of EV chargepoints on our highway network and council-owned car parks and facilities. We want to know know what is important to you when you charge your vehicle in a public place, the places you need chargepoints and any other needs to consider so that people in the borough have equal and adequate access to the right EV charging infrastructure.

Your views and other information will be used to inform the final strategy which is due to be published by Summer 2024. The final version of the strategy will be a Walsall Council branded document.

Check out the following documents

Document image preview
Walsall EV Chargepoint Strategy - Consultation Draft.pdf

Do you have 5 minutes to complete our EV Chargepoint Strategy Questionnaire?

Whether you are an EV owner or not, we would appreciate your responses to our questionnaire. There are 10 questions we would like your feedback on to inform our final strategy. 

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